Installing Fedora Remix on an SD Card

Posted by on Mar 19, 2012 in News | 7 Comments

After following this tutorial your SD card will have the Fedora operating system installed with modifications such as librares that will allow you to access the VideoCore GPU of the Raspberry Pi.

Download Fedora Remix now!

Once you have downloaded and extracted the zip file, right click on “fedora-arm-installer.exe” and select “Run as Administrator”.

Right click fedora-arm-installer.exe

Run as Administrator

A Windows UAC pop-up will now appear asking if you would like to allow the program to make changes to your computer, please click “Yes” to continue.

Once the program has opened, click the refresh button in the source section to check for the latest version of Fedora.

Click the refresh button

The latest version of Fedora will now appear in the drop down menu.

Select latest version of Fedora

Now select a device from the destination drop down menu, this is where Fedora will be installed.
If your device does not appear in the list, click the refresh button.

Select device

 Once you have selected your SD card, click “Install”.

Click install

The program will now start to download the latest version of Fedora for the Raspberry Pi.

Fedora being downloaded

The program will now need to format the device, you will need to confirm this to continue.

Formatting device

Once the download has finished, Fedora will be installed onto the SD card.


Install complete

Atfer a few mintues the installation process will be completed, you now have an SD card ready to be used with the Raspberry Pi!


  1. Ian McPhedran
    May 16, 2012

    I downloaded the file as step 1 above but didn’t get the first or second screens. I double clicked the exe file in my documents/downloads and got a version of screen 3 without the title top left. I can’t progress any further.
    Any ideas?

    • Toby
      June 14, 2012

      Did you extract the zip before running “fedora-arm-installer.exe” as an Administrator?

  2. Mario
    May 21, 2012

    it does not work on my windows 7 system trying to use a 32gyg sd card why is it not happening?

    • Toby
      June 14, 2012

      Do you receive an error message? What is the brand/model of the SD card?

  3. PhilT
    June 7, 2012

    Does this work on Windows Vista / 7 only ?

    or can I use it with XP, or under Wine ?

    • Graco
      June 21, 2012

      I’m running windows xp and the software won’t show the drive leter for the sd card. I guess it won’t work un XP….


  4. Russell
    June 21, 2012

    I had a similar experience under Windows 7. On checking, the folder I expanded the Zip into was called Raspberry Pi. It objected to the space in the directory name.